Every day there is a new headline about a potential flood, erupting hurricane, or wildfires disrupting everyday life. In times like these, when we are still suffering from the long-running coronavirus disaster, having any other kind of natural disaster would not be great. As a business owner, natural disasters causing disrupted everyday life can bring a lot more responsibility. From shutting down the business to reassuring your workers about their safety, a business owner has to go through a lot.
Business owners have to respond to customers, employees, and others about the work conditions and business operations. All of this can become a huge challenge when wildfires disrupt cell towers or electrical grids are damaged.
While enterprises have a system established to work things during an entire disaster, a small business with little capacity to invest in a disaster-proof system has a lot going on. However, if a small business running from home or one that manages to bring the office to home before the worst situation hits can make things meet.
For instance, a small business operating from home depends upon the availability of high-speed internet all the time. Especially in case of a disaster, an uninterrupted internet connection can help beyond measures. However, having internet service that is not affected by rain, wildfire, or disrupted power cell tower is a dream. But having an internet service that has an active customer support system can be a life and business savior.
For example, Spectrum internet with its high-speed internet service is the best match for small businesses. And when combined with Spectrum Español customer service small businesses can have a clear understanding of what the internet situation is in their area and when it will be restored.
Apart from investing in stable high-speed internet service with active customer support, the following are some more tools to help businesses from making things worst during a natural disaster.
Set up Group Chat Groups
With a natural disaster comes a power outage, and then comes the internet outrage. Without internet access, employees are unable to know what the business is up to on the emails. Considering this, it is important to set up Messenger, or WhatsApp chat group or have a chat group on Signal, Telegram, or another end-to-end encryption-messaging tool. These platforms allow users to recover messages without having a Wi-Fi or data mobile.
Here is an example, even after a massive outage following the earthquakes in January 2020 in Puerto Rico, many people stayed connected through mobile networks. In natural disasters, some internet service providers in the country can make their public Wi-Fi hotspots available for free. Similarly, with Spectrum Internet out-of-home Wi-Fi, customers can get access to the internet free.
WhatsApp also allows users to share their current and live location so that in case anyone is on the way to work or goes missing, others can help them. Many companies have already started using WhatsApp as their means of internal communication. While there is some potential risk in using WhatsApp regularly as a business tool, but in case of emergencies, it is one helpful platform.
Keep Track of Fuel
If your employees or you are finding it hard to seek gas in a hurricane or disaster, then a mobile application can help you. GasBuddy is an app that locates the gas station near you, which has fuel available. GasBuddy, is one of the most downloaded apps during disasters, served the best during the Colonial Pipeline hacks in 2021.
Inform through Social Media
If you are not already active on social media, then you are doing business all wrong. Social media is not only about being social, it is more about keeping your business social. Social media has helped businesses in marketing, selling, and making a lot more revue than they could ever make. And now, social media is acting as a tool to keep the customer informed.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are channels that come in handy when you need to announce any change in business operations during a natural disaster. Be sure you have put the correct date, day, and time before posting about the business operations changes or anything else. You do not want to pose any inconvenience to the customer on a completely fine day.
Always Be Prepared
After the coronavirus, there is absolutely no reason not to have a plan ready for a potential disaster. We hope not to see a crisis of such kind again, but as a business owner, you should always be prepared for the worst.